Junpei Kousaka is a second-year high school student who has an allergy for cats—a predicament that has made him hate cats and everything related to them. Unfortunately for him, though, he is surrounded by cat lovers: his family, his estranged childhood friend, and even his crush Kaede Mizuno. One day, while returning home from school, Junpei nonchalantly attempts to kick an empty can into the trash, but miserably misses. Instead of making it to the garbage, the can ends up breaking off the head of a cat deity statue. That fateful day, he is cursed with the ability to understand cat speech. However, he must keep his curse a secret from everyone else, because anyone who finds out will become more accident-prone and share the same fate as him. With the guidance of his cat Nyamsus and with no other choice left, Junpei now has to do a hundred good deeds for cats to lift the curse. If he is unable to complete this task, he will turn into a cat, and considering his allergy, that would be a death sentence for him! [Written by MAL Rewrite]
One of the problems with harem rom-coms these days is the tendency to try and be creative in unusual ways. The problem, specifically, is that the writers and mangaka assume that by simply including something like aliens, youkai, body switching, etc, etc, then the story automatically becomes new and innovative. Fujiwara Sato, the creator of the manga upon which this anime is based, decided to adds cats. No, not catgirls, just cats (although girls are present in the story as well). Nyan Koi follows the life of one Kousaka Junpei, a high schooler who lives with his mother, sister, and pet cat, but who suffers froma severe allergy to all things feline. One day he accidentally knocks the head off a statue belonging to the local cat deity, and from then on he can understand everything every cat is saying. His pet Nyamsus tells him that he has been cursed by the cat god, and that unless he helps 100 cats he will be turned into a cat himself. The only problem though, is that his allergy will kill him at that point. Now, I will admit to a certain bias here. This past year I have been following two particular manga dealing with cats and humans - Nyan Koi and Koi Neko, and of the two, Koi Neko has the better story. That's not to say that Nyan Koi is bad in terms of it's plot, but it does suffer from a certain genericism brought on by the fact that it's a harem story. That said, the anime adaptation follows the manga pretty well up to the last couple of episodes, at which point it goes off at a tangent. That's not a bad thing mind, but in the case of Nyan Koi it feels more like an attempt to entice the viewer into watching the second series, especially as, aside from one or two hints, the events in the show don't really support most of the final episode. However, the plot does have some redeeming qualities in that the humour from the manga has maintained, especially where the cats are concerned. The scripting is also well handled for the most part, barring a few odd inconsistencies come the last few episodes, however this should be no surprise given that much of the show is the anime form of the manga. The bright and cheery colour scheme reflects the fact that this is a fairly simple harem comedy. The animation is well handled and choregraphed, and the show makes good use of different animation techniques to emphasise the humour. That said, Nyan Koi does suffer from a degree of genericism when it comes to presentation. Certain scenes are reminiscent of many other harem anime, and the characters themselves are formulaic in their designs, and this includes the cats. In terms of sound the series is well served with it's cast of voice actors, all of whom are very talented in their own right (for example, Tanaka Atsuko, who plays the role of Nyamsus, is also the actress behind Kusanagi Mokoto of GitS: SAC, 2nd Gig, 2.0 and Innocence). The one problem though, is that their talents are underused, however this is purely an outgrowth of the fact that this is a comedy show rather than a serious tale. That said, they do portray their respective characters well, especially in the more humourous moments. The OP is a simple J-Pop ditty sung by Sakakibara Yui called "Nyanderful" that, while being upbeat, is nothing particularly special. Likewise the ED, "Strawberry ~Amaku Setsunai Namida~" (sung by Imai Asami), while being a more melodic than the OP, is again, nothing to write home about. In all honesty the music, although being reasonably well composed, is fairly generic throughout the series, and while the choreography is fairly well handled, there is a certain lack in terms of impact because of this. As far as the characters go, they're all pretty much what one would expect from a harem comedy. That's not to say that they're bad though, as they're nicely presented for the most part. It simply means that they're formulaic and, because of this limitation, they are only allowed to develop in certain ways. However, given the mass of harem comedies appearing over the last few years it has to be said that while Nyan Koi does have generic characters, they're nowhere near as bad as some I could mention. One thing I will point out though, is that the addition of cats, and their effect on Junpei, is actually beneficial for the series as a whole. While the overall effect isn't really telling to the viewer, the relationship between Junpei and the various felines he helps allows the viewer to relegate the harem aspect of the series, and this allows the humour to come to the fore. Now I will admit that I did find myself chuckling to this show, as many cat owners might find themselves doing in certain scenes. While I'm not a big fan of harem anime in general, the cats allow one to appreciate the humour in amore defined manner, and the show has less of a need to place the lead male in various ecchi sitautions in an attempt to get some laughs - something which is a big plus in my book. While the series isn't a complete transposition of the manga, it does have the benefit of allowing the viewer to appreciate the visual humour in a way that the manga just couldn't convey. That said, the last few episodes, being anime originals, do suffer because the writing in them just isn't as good as it is in the rest of the series. Fans of harem comedies may be of two minds about the show to be honest. There's a number of good points to the series, however there has been no real attempt to step away from the generic nature of the typical harem anime, and this places limitations on what can and can't be done. This is actually one of the reasons why I prefer Koi Neko over Nyan Koi as, while both include cats talking to humans, Koi Neko takes a completely different approach. Nyan Koi is enjoyable though, and it's the humour that most will appreciate come the end of the series. It's just a shame that the lesson of Ai Yori Aoshi (i.e. the lead male doesn't have to be generic, mediocre, or a loser), still hasn't been learned.
“Yo Kou-baka, I heard you’re cursed. Wahahahaha!” If you were like me, not sure whether to try watching a show about talking cats, then rest assure because Nyan Koi is more than your average pet-talking anime! Produced by AIC, it should come as no surprise if Nyan Koi manage to remind viewers of another “semi” AIC production known as Seto no Hanayome. Both are considered rom-com harem and they share many common traits in my humble opinion. Thus it is very tempting to make comparisons between them, but I will restrain myself to the best of my ability to not do so too often in thereview. Although the talking cats may not be the most adorable pets you have ever seen, but they are significant to the anime as they are used to push forward story events and in some cases, help develop character relations. While cats obviously do not talk like human do, but due to a curse on our protagonist Junpei, he gained the ability to communicate with them (hence the talking cat you have heard about). The story follows Junpei with his daily struggle with school, friends, love, and helping cats in need. While the plot may sound a bit generic, but what makes the show entertaining is the interaction among the characters. “Misfortune-moe” is a silly term used to describe the character behavior of one of the twins in the story. As one can probably imagine, those who finds misfortunate (or sheer bad luck) to be something liked about is pretty sick and cruel as far as their character is concerned. But viewers will often find themselves helplessly laughing at the cruelty of the “misfortune-moe” twin. Nyan Koi is the type of show that can bring out the funniness in even the weirdest of situations. Another entertaining character, who sadly did not have as much impact to the story as I would have liked, goes by the name of Nagi Ichinose. Here is the one flag that should make all Seto no Hanayome viewers go “ah, that looks (and the background music sounds) familiar … now where have I watched a similar show like that before?”. All in all, characters in Nyan Koi all contributed in their own unique way. However one thing that seems lacking is the character growth for the “slightly less important” characters. We certainly witnessed development to Junpei as a character, but other equally important characters like Kanako could have had more screen time for development. Anyhow, I understand that it can be very difficult for a short 12 episodes series to have much development for its second class heroes, but it has been done before in many shows. Thus in that regard, Nyan Koi may be a bit unsatisfactory. The animation style is mostly refreshing and unique, but once a while there will be scenes that look rather similar to Seto no Hanayome (not the art, but the technique used to create certain atmosphere). Although not a masterpiece level in terms of animation, there isn’t much that one can truly complain about. Smooth scene transition? Check. Non-repetitive scene usage? Check. Consistent animation quality? Check. Well drawn, well animated characters and pets? Check. The animation certainly is one of the stronger points of the show. The OP and ED both are pleasant to hear; just don’t expect anything catchy that could stay in your mind for more than an hour. The music department deserves some credit for matching hilarious scenes with funny BGM and so on, but they pale in comparison to the hard work of the voice acting screw, the seiyu. With great talented seiyu like Yuu Kobayashi, Ryoko Shiraishi, and most of all Jun Fukuyama, there are enough big names in the anime to attract a large number of fans (yes, in Japan seiyu are practically celebrities and have their own fan clubs etc). These skillful voice actors/actresses give life to the characters and made them much more enjoyable to watch. Nyan Koi certainly brought a great deal of joy and entertainment to the viewers. The one thing AIC could work on to improve the anime is the somewhat simple, linear plot. Otherwise, the animation and characters, combined with skillful seiyu, makes this show a worthy candidate to spend your time.
Mmmm, I see quite a few of Nyan Koi! reviews being presented at this present moment, and to be fair, if you want to read a well written review; read Archaeon's review. My review will not be as fluffy, nor as well written. Now let's start with Nyan Koi!'s biggest problem; it's a harem. Apart from harem fanboys, are there actually people that watch anime fairly objectively who enjoy harem anime? No, probably not. You know there's this thing about harem, mmm,..... what's it called? Generic? Ah yes, generic. This anime is no exception, it's generic, has a weak storyboard and try to save this alreadysinking ship (and I mean this ship, which is an analogy for the anime of course, was sinking as soon as it embarked and tried getting out of the port it was docked to) by quirking it up with cats. (The paragraphs that follow mays contain minor spolers, nothing big though.) What's worse is that it's not a consistent plot carrying feature in the anime apart from the initial introduction of this feature which causes it to become a gimmick, a side thing that takes up too much space since it's not actually important to the plot. They just sort of dropped it on the way out of convenience. Why? Because of harem, because the male main protagonist has to be loved by a horde of all the stereotypical female harem characters that the producers could find. We have the sweet girl next door, the tomboy x 2, one being a hybrid between a tomboy, tsundere/yandere and childhood friend, the other one being a sempai (in one grade higher at high school, oh!, oh! and guess what she's actually a daughter of the yakuza!) then we have the twins, one completely open with the undying love she feels for the guy, being a bit on the freaky side with some emo stuff going on then we have the tsundere/yandere that absolutely hates him, but she it's so cute when she gets those red cheeks as she blushes when she's fighting her inner self, because she just knows she really likes him. I probably forgot someone, but that's the thing, the characters are so forgettable they lose all importance and since the characters lose all importance so does the anime itself. Now please, let's not fool ourselves fanboys and others, there existed no plot to speak of in this anime, if you thought there was a plot or story to talk about in this anime, you either generally have really bad perception abilities, you're a complete fanboy of harem and/or cat shows or you've simply not watched many good anime series, which is unfortunate. The general concencus seems to be that this anime is worthy of a rating of 8 here on mal. I mean I know the toplist here on mal is pretty biased what with the making of multiple accounts and whatnot for the purpose of messing with the toplists, but 8? I gave GTO an 8. G. T. O..... (I chose GTO arbitrarily, could have been any other of my 8's, but I think GTO speaks even more for itself than perhaps many others.) Yes, I did watch this mainly to have something to bash on when it had finished airing, but I watch all shows objectively, I welcome all genres to try and surprise me, but Nyan Koi! did not surprise me, it is not the worst harem I've seen, but it certainly is not something I'd want to hang up my christmas tree. Thank you for reading, I doubt you read all of it though, if you did I am sorry for any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, it's just that I never recheck these reviews of crap anime I write because I simply don't care. Please do not share with me your opinion if you disagree with me because if you do you are not on the correct side of this battle we fight.
Nyan Koi! is a harem anime which tries its best to do something new, but unfortunately, it turns into just yet another bland series with the usual touch of supernatural in it. The plot revolves around the male lead, Junpei, and his quest to help a hundred cats to avoid turning into a cat himself - due to a curse brought about by his own clumsiness. So every episode or so we get to see a new cat with some trouble, and our allergic hero trying his best to help the poor cat. Now unfortunately it isn't as promising as this might've sound. Nyan Koi! isa harem anime, and you'll find that it does a lot of harem-esque episodes and setting, among others the school excursion, swimming pool trip and naturally a swing to the amusement park. Most of the settings have been done before in more than one anime, and it's just being re-lived here, no genre-shaking events, no brilliance to set it out from the crowd. When the show starts out the focus is much more on the cats, perhaps the reason being that all the characters aren't fully introduced yet, but it gradually turns more and more into a cheesy harem comedy, winding up as a lot more generic harem with every implication this brings forth. Dull and bland, with little to savor from it. Admittedly, it does present a few laughable moments throughout its whole, but aside that the entertainment value is very low, and unless someone is a big fan of harem series with little flair to them, it isn't worth the time it takes to watch it. Character-wise, there's nothing to write home about. Every character fills their standard harem role to an extent. The wimpy main. The wimpy main's out-of-this-world-cute love interest. The wimpy main's tombyish childhood friend. The crazy cross-dresser. Even a pair of twins; the yandere and the tsundere girls. And a crazy older girl. The others aren't much to talk about either; from the typical mom-and-sister pair to the crazed old man, and of course one or two filler guy friends of the male lead. Pretty much that's it. They're set in stone as charcaters and have limited potential. But Nyan Koi! at least tries to use that potential, salvaging what it could from the characters to make them better than bad, if not necessarily good. The art style is not particularly outstanding either. The color palette is bright and rich, filled with clear and hapyp colors. The character designs aren't particularly outstanding, and rather flat. The detail put into the characters' various attires is a redeeming factor though. Overall the depth of the animation isn't very present, much due to the rather simple effort put into shadowing and light effects in general. Most of the scapes and interiors are made a tad too background-y, and as such the characters and other nonstatic objects feel slightly awkward in comparison. What it does well, however, is the visual humor. From their expressions to effects and the like, it does help in provoking a good laugh when due. The soundtrack is just like the rest of the serious, rather average and nothing to really look forward to. The background music contains all the standard themes for the various harem anime situations and moods, and fits right in with said moods, but I found myself thinking how the music should've been better, which kind of deterred the mood. The opening theme is a rather typical upbeat J-pop song, with a bright, cheerful vocal line and likewise string parts. The ending theme is a tad richer in its build and thus more listen-able, but still has an air of ending theme written all over it. Overall Nyan Koi! ends up nothing more than an average harem series with nothing in particular to add to the genre, and save for a few laughs here and there is not something worth the time it takes to watch it.
A very good anime although when i first saw it i was certain it would not appeal to the average person. Turns out I loved it and most likely so will everyone else. Has a good story but i'm not gonna spoil it in case you havent read it. If you like to laugh then this anime will have you laughing quite a bit. Although i wouldnt necesarily call it a comedy anime it certainly seems to have a good bit of it. All in all it's good enough to satisfy the girl that's in love with dolls and the guy that likes to drivecars. In other words it's a universal anime.
I must say that after the first 3 or 4 episodes I was really going for an 8 (Very Good) , but slowly I dropped at 4-5.This "romance/comedy" anime was one of those dissapointing shows where the producers failed miserably to develop new and unique ideas that could attract watchers. Story: 3 - Poor Yes it's the same old storyline with a boy , that is surrounded by girls and has an unexpected experience that changes the way he interacts with others.Nyan Koi has by far 1 or 2 romantic moments and the "comedy" moments can only make you laugh about how bad these scenes were made. Therelations between the characters is simple , as Junpei doesn't get to approach them very much (few exceptions).And when you think finally something interesting happens the moment gets ruined by another character (including the cats).In some cases this could be considered funny (depending on what's happening) but after countless times it gets boring and it's not even "funny" , so we can't even think about enjoying this. Art: 6 - Fair When I watch an anime I don't really care about art but indeed there are a few points that need some attention. Well, the characters were pretty easy to remark since they where indeed made to look different from each other , but nothing that can catch your eye was in. The design of the cats was better (um..yes better) then the characters' one: a twist of colours for each cat making it easy to remark even in a croud of cats and again, everything was defined in a boring way that doesn't attracts your eye. Sound: 3 - Poor The opening/ending songs are pretty lame and practically sends to the watcher "waves" of confusion (I mainly talk about the lyrics of the opening song) since it's not even a true love triangle (if you watched animes where there is a good accent on love triangle you know what I mean) and the curse is not an opportunity or even help to Junpei for almost all episodes. Character: 5 - Mediocre The characters of this series are totally predictable after watching them in action for like 5 minutes.Junpei is your nice doggy when he's around Kaede that is happy but still doesn't know how to express this (well he's a human in this anime so being incapable to discuss with the person you like it's not comic or romantic). Kaede is your innocent anime girl, with a childish look that could make almost all boys fall for her (in the anime of course).Of course , this innocence is taken to an extreme in situations like: talking about love, discussing with the boy she likes, understanding the meaning of things related to love, etc.She's the type of girl that would say in the middle of a Nyan Koi episode:"Junpei, will you let me wait for you in season 2 , too?". "Kana-chan" is the final person completing the so-called love triangle that realize that she loves Junpei , can't confess , but she manifests in different ways.I would say that she is the most normal person from the love triangle when taking things serious and her "cons" are excessivly "attacking" Junpei and of course incapacity to make him understand what she feels. (but I guess that goes for this kind of anime , excepting one thing: see Nyan Koi , genres, ROMANCE). In this case, Junpei it's the brainless one too because he tries figuring out something at some point ..but of course fails. Kotone and Akari are just 2 more characters added to fill the story and make it more boring.Of course they chain some events to them so we can't say they can miss from the anime. After watching the whole anime I really think the best character was Nyamsus (seriously). Overall: 3 - Poor I can't say I enjoyed this anime.For normal people that aren't addicted to this genre and just look an anime I frankly tell you to search another one because this isn't worth wasting your time.For people addicted to comedy/rom/harem I tell you the same thing a bit more detailed.This isn't your com/rom/har anime , it's just a pathetic fail that tries to impress the watchers with lame and hilarious scenes. In conclusion I truly regret watching this and I don't recommand it to you!
And thus ends of the best and most underrated comedies of 2009. Nyan Koi is a complete work of art. ==[Pros]== - Humor. This comedy doesn't fail to deliver on its most important aspect. Whether it's the sudden change from Mizuno's dramatic yakuza ringtone to a completely serene scene or a shot of Junpei and the twins licking popsicles, Nyan Koi never disappoints. The humor in this show is both crude and refined, direct and indirect. Nyan Koi is funny, and isn't afraid to show it. - Junpei. He is a great male lead - one of the greatest I've ever seen.At first glance, he looks average... almost... too average. But he is the ultimate in tsukkomi, a straight man rivaling Kyon of Haruhi and Shinpachi of Gintama. His well timed expressions can often make the worst humor (worst of the best, that is.) seem unbearably funny. - Humor. Just let me say some more about this. Basically, Nyan Koi slams you with so much unexplainable and original material that you can't predict what's going to come next. Just when I thought the show couldn't get any more ridiculous, it did. And it worked. Nyan Koi is one of the few shows that can make me laugh or say "wtf?" at almost any given screenshot. There's just that much humor and randomness packed into each and every episode. - Episodic + Continuous plot. It's always tough for an episodic series (one that has a separate story for every episode/every few episodes) to tie the entire show together. Often times, series fail and end up confusing their viewers and/or displaying a shabby overall plot. Nyan Koi is the rare show that can weave together both episodic aspects and continuous aspects into the same plot with ease. With the cat/curse objective as the episodic side and the romantic comedy as the continuous side, this show manages to present a complete picture, yet still allowing for entertaining small arcs at the same time. - Other characters. All of the characters in this show are great. Some are shallow, some have enormous depth, but all of them make me laugh. From Kaede's almost-too-cliched airheadedness to the twins' tsundere and masochistic personalities to Junpei's gossiping mother and sister and nonexistent father, there wasn't one point in the show that I didn't like a character. Sure, Kana looked disturbing at first, but her roles as master and childhood friend gave me so many laughs that it didn't matter after a few minutes. ==[Cons]== - Nekomimi. There are none. What the hell. - Misleading premise. There are no catgirls. - The ending. It was too abrupt. Though I generally don't like deus ex machina/"miraculous" endings anyway, so this might just be a result of my bias. ==[Conclusion]== I can't say it enough - this show was fantastic. I didn't receive the stereotypical ecchi romantic comedy with catgirls that I thought I'd get, and instead stumbled upon a true diamond in the rough, a show so ridiculously funny that I was left stunned after every episode. In a year filled with so many sequels and remakes, this is one new face that truly deserves another season.
Every season has it's own corresponding harem and ecchi anime. This was 2009 fall season's harem, and definitely an improvement to the usual. Nyan Koi! it's not an upgrade to the harem formula and doesn't add anything new to the lot but, at the end, managed to deliver lots of fun and, as a result of that, quality. Almost everything in this show it's a bit chiché, take for example the fascination that japanese people have for animals like foxes or dogs. Now it's the cats turn; meet Kousaka Junpei, a typical 2nd year high school student alergic to cats that has been cursed. In orderto prevent his body from becoming cat-like he has to make 100 wishes come true, wishes that come from cats. Aside from being slowly transformed into a cat, the curse brings other consecuences to Jumpei: he can understand and comunicate with cats. This makes the show entertaining to a certain point. The overall plot develops based on this wishes that Jumpei grants, accompanied with lots of comedy and incredible situations along the way. The animation it's decent. It doesn't stand out a lot and it doesn't look bad either. It's just right. It haves minor ecchi elements that go on par with the harem theme and some models, like the cats, are very funny to look at due to their diversity. The music it's matched perfectly to the ambience in the anime. Nyanderful! has the perfect title and rhythm to make out an impression about the whole show at once. The BGMs are pretty lively as well and nice timed. Other than that the seiyus do a great job reflecting each of the characters personality. One of the biggest achivements this anime has acomplished; the sound and music are above average to what mostly one listens to. Typical coming from a harem anime we've got the classic steoreotypical characters that usually are created for this genre: the tsundere girl, the clueless girl, the yakuza-manly girl, the stalker girl and the real loved girl. The characters are funny and you get to see enough content of each one, so no specific character is missed. Added to that the cats have their own personality and problems as well, this makes the show feel somehow refreshing and unique. Nyan Koi! it's a blast to watch, you can laugh a lot or just check it out for the harem-partly ecchi experience. This anime can be extremely entertaining if the viewer can stand the clichés that surround it. So the typical harem formula is applied: the same use of characters, situations (somebody said a pool episode?) and somehow linear chain of events. Besides that some of this events are really funny and some of the characters stand out. Lastly the voice acting is awesome and the music is applied nicely. After combining all this characteristics the final product comes out as a 'very good' one.
Well, I just finished Nyan Koi! and well I thought it was really cute at the beginning, near the end I was just watching it non-stop to move onto something else. (I like to finish what I start, okay?) Other than talking cats, there's really nothing new here. It's just a generic anime about a guy who for some ungodly reason has a plethora of cute girls are who are into him. Like a lot of harem anime, there are moments of big-breasted-ness, panty shots, accidental groping and purposeful groping (girls groping girls) but most of the comedy in this series is supposed to be fromthe interference of Junpei's life from the cats, which he is severely allergic too. A lot of the anime is focused on Junpei juggling his need to lift his curse by helping cats and doing everyday things while the girls (Mostly Sumiyoshi and Nagi-sempai) make his life even more difficult. The characters... ugh. Sumiyoshi and Mizuno were both unbearable to watch. And they were the two main love interests. Sumiyoshi is the tsundere childhood friend and Mizuno is well... the girl that's good at everything, exceptionally beautiful, feminine and loved by all... blech. The ending... what ending? This series just should have ended but they left it open with no confessions of love from any character so they can have a second season. This show doesn't need a second season. Everything that's been done in it has been done before, I doubt a second season would make this any fresher than talking cats.
My first impression of Nyan Koi! seemed to be a lighter franchise filled with.. well.. cats. Please read the synopsis before reading this review to familiarize yourself with the story. This anime (short-lived only 12 eps long) is just average for an anime series. First off, a show entirely about cats is bland. There are all sorts of information pamphlets and such about cats, how they behave, and there are even ways to communicate with them. For the over-the-top cat lover you might find some interest in this story. Furthermore, this show is heavily accented with fan service (in the openingtheme of the show, each female character is given a chest/buttocks shot for reasons unfathomable). If you want to drown yourself in the protagonist's plight to end his problems (including his romantic ones), see lots of annoying cats, and see what I originally thought was a BOY, then this show is the perfect fit. But, BUT, BUTTTT... Being a cat lover myself I did have a reasonable level of enjoyment with this show as I never thought they'd throw in a love triangle with the main character and two of his classmates at school. Character development is fair/bland at best as the trials/calamities seem very very TRIVIAL (having a crush on one another, trying so hard just to squeeze in a date or kiss). If they had accelerated the slow pace of the storyline I could imagine more people showing interest in this series. As stated, if you ARE a cat lover then I would recommend this show as a light escape from the more serious shows that have intrigued you for a while.
First of all, i must said, this review based on my opinion and the enjoyment i got from the anime, if you think i am wrong, well,,, thats just my opinion. and i am gonna just straight to the point without any babbling in my review, so, here we go! Nowdays, harem is the kind of mainstream genre that easily can make it into a top anime. since, what do you need is big boobs, pantsy scenes, and of course beautiful girl.... well, thats the truth. Including Nyan Koi, this harem anime is maybe like another harem anime that you've ever watch, BUT WAIT! how about harem +cat? hmm..... thats WORKS! STORY : 8/10 The story involves about the man who is been cursed by cat statue because of some accident, and for erase that curse, that man aka Junpei, must grant 100 wishes from cats or he will turned into a cat! - The story itself makes me interest to watch it, since usually harem anime is focussing on the development between each character, and for this anime is focussing on how Junpei cure the curse but i didnt said there aren't any development, there are. but its just the "side dish". - The jokes itself is refreshing, i mean i laughed a lot when watching this anime. the jokes really got the spot. - Its a light story, so its easy to understand. you dont have to think too much to see this anime. - Usually, based on what i seen, the "main story" just come in early minutes. like when minutes 1 - 13 and the others is just the fillers. but i didnt mind, since what i seek is "Enjoyment" ART 9/10 - Here is, the strongest point of this anime. the artwork of character seems so mature, and its so different between another harem anime which is usually using "kid" character. - The background is so well made. rich colours,and again, the character artwork. SOUND 7/10 - The opening of the nyan koi, is surely attractive. "Nyanderful" is so fit with the anime itself. The lyrics i mean. - As for BGM, i think its just so so. there is nothing special on it. - The OP and ED is surely attractive, but for myself, but it doesnt so catchy. so dont expect too high on this OP or ED. CHARACTER 8/10 - In this anime, we have a tsundere girl, a twin, a machosist, and a cute girl. What else? its just full of unique girls. Well, Typical of harem anime. - The development between the character is maybe the biggest problem in this anime since it just got 12 episodes, but it doesnt really matter, since once again, the attractive of how Nyan Koi presents of the character is surely interesting in so many ways. Overall 8/10 - If you really like with harem anime, this will be worth to try. since, it was interesting for me if i should say, i've never enjoyed harem anime this much. - one more thing, You better put this anime into your PTW. lol.
Nyan Koi had me hook, line and sinker at the part about cats. In fact, that was the sole reason I picked this up, blinded by my usual bias towards these kinds of things. Which is why I had no idea what I was getting in to. Arguably, it was probably for the best, since I wouldn't be expecting too much out of it. Despite the fact that most of the story was episodic at best, there was some semblance of a plot. Given the premise of our fearless protagonist trying to remove a curse from himself all the while trying tomaintain the masquerade in front of anyone else out of the loop and chasing after his clueless crush, the set up was thrown aside pretty quickly in favour of the standard romantic comedy episodes; which are not bad by themselves but it is kind of a shame. I thought it was going to evenly split the attention between the the cats and the girls but in the end the plot ended up putting emphasis on only half of the premise. The better half of man that is. During my time following the show, there seemed to be only two choices of which are, introduce new character, or silly harem-induced hijinks. That is, until the last two episodes. I bet the writers (since the anime differs from the manga plotwise, mostly) suddenly remembered that our dear protagonist was cursed. In the supposed finale, I was waiting for them to milk the drama for all its worth, but, apparently it isn't worth a lot given the amount of time it took to resolve the mess and it let me down. Any consolation for the poor overall plot is in the form of a sequel hook. The art is a different story. Its colourful, solid and bold. In fact, a lot of our protagonist's feline friends are even well drawn and animated like the cutesy critters that cats are. It is hard to find fault in the art for Nyan Koi even as it shifts style for various effects. Sound is also an artful triumph. Though I don't follow Voice Actors, I have to give mad props to Yuu Kobayashi, Nagi's VA, who does stellar job of conveying the two extremes of character. As for the normal background sound, we get various subtle but catchy and instantly recognisable tunes. They'll burrow in to your ear and enhance the action on screen like any good soundtrack does. Character-wise, its unsound; the majority of characters are not given much in this department. If there were any development it seemed I missed it. In fact, a main offender of a rather typical archetype is Mizuno, the ditzy little lady that our protagonist has crushed on since they entered high school together. To some, its always nice to see a cutesy character who seems to be perpetually locked out of a loop, to others, its "been there, done that." As it all centres around our male protagonist the developments the harem has towards him is almost boringly predictable. The near uni-dimensional nature of the characters extends to our supporting cast as well, but that's to be expected. Flaws aside, it is supposed to elicit a chuckle and be enjoyed moment by moment. And chuckle I did. In fact, the nature in which I enjoyed it reminded me of another anime with humour in the same vein (which I also greatly enjoyed). Since its a quickie, it works well for me. Also, I love cats, so if all else fails, the cats will at the very least distract me, in a good way, with their presence. If you are not looking for some nice and quick laughs, you might want to pass. Best summed up as came for the cats, and stayed for the silly antics, and cats. Oh before I forget, did I mention I love cats?
Nyan Koi isn't an awful show, however it isn't good either and it certainly doesn't deserve rating it has currently which is almost "Very Good". Perhaps it just a form of Stockholm syndrome that some people can't objectively rate something when they've invested so much time to watching it. Or maybe I'm just a jerk who rates things lower than most people. Anyway... Story wise there really isn't much. A harem anime with cats as the gimmick(Somewhere along the line they add demon fighting for an episode.). The show claims to be a romantic comedy but it isn't really romantic or funny. The climaxisn't very interesting and the ending leaves little accomplished in terms of Kousaka's relationships with the girls, and the actual plot of being cursed. The art and sound didn't stand out to me as being either good or bad. The characters were bland and I really couldn't have cared less about any of them. Worse they never develop at all throughout the entire series. Overall it's not the worse show out there, but I definitely would advise against putting it on your plan-to-watch list unless you really have nothing better to do.
I was very skeptical about watching Nyan Koi. I have a weakness for romances and that is what pulled me into watching it. I thought it would be jam packed with cute talking cats and I would give up on the first episode. Well I didn't. I enjoyed it all the way through. It's a very funny anime and I always anticipated the next episode. The main characters are all hilarious. You have the cute girl everyone loves, the tsunderes, and the idiot boy who doesn't have a clue anyone likes him. Yet, they all still seem refreshing in their own way. You'll fall inlove with the characters and their humor, as well as the cute little cats Junpei meets along his cursed endeavor.
While this anime is not one of the most popular comedy ones out there, I had a great time watching this. An anime about a high school student who gets cursed by the statue of the cat Jizou and suddenly has to grant the wishes of a 100 cats isn't very appealing, although it's really worth a shot. Story (7/10) The story doesn't look very appealing and I wasn't expecting much of it but boy, was I proven wrong! They managed to keep the plot interesting until the end. There weren't any ridiculous plot twists (Alright, actually there were but they were funny as hell). There weren'tany forced jokes in there. Art (7/10) Nothing outstanding but it doesn't burn your eyes. Sound (7/10) There isn't an enormous soundtrack for this anime but with the very few tracks that they had, they still managed to create a fitting atmosphere. They did a good job on the voice acting. (Also, the protagonist didn't sound like a six years old) Character (8/10) There aren't too many characters in the series, every character that they introduce is somewhat important to the plot. Every character has a decent personality, they aren't some predictable garbage. Enjoyment (8/10) I had a great time watching this one since it's not too long and unpredictable. Also, the humour is well paced. You should really give this one a shot, even if the plot doesn't seem appealing to you. In the end, it's only 12 episodes long. Does it really matter?
Nyan Koi is a comedy anime with a somewhat typical story, decent art and sound, good characters... However, none of the above makes this show memorable. There is something else special, very special about this anime. It's very very very relaxing, funny and hilarious. This anime is about a boy who got cursed for breaking a cat statue. He has to help 100 cats or he will turn into one. Along with helping them, he also helps some girls and they in turn have some feelings or him. The ways the story is told, they ways the character act, the ways the events happen... are extremelyfunny. In fact, this one has to be one of the most funnies anime ever existed till date. In conclusion, if you are looking for anime with action, adventure, mystery..., go look somewhere else. This anime has no breathtaking scenes, no hard-to-solve questions. Nyan Koi was made for a purpose, and it has done it really well: Make you laugh hard. I enjoyed the anime. After all, to me, enjoyment is the most important factor.
WHAT THE TACOS IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I actually enjoyed and loved this anime!! I've watched it like 4 times or so. One of my favourites! (I'm canadian so it is "OU" >.> ) This anime revolves mainly around cats & comedy :D It's suppose to have romance, and it does but it doesn't overpower the anime with JUST ROMANCE so don't get confused and be like "ughh another anime with a random guy and all the girls want him" because IT IS and it turned out pretty cool! Asides from other animes (shounen or harem whatever) this one comes up with reasons .___. notjust randomly falling in love cus he's hot! T-T It has a solid story, I liked that it was different or idk haven't watched all animes but for me, it was original. The art is pretty neat too. I'm giving it a 10/10 because it is AWESOME. I might be an amateur in anime (only been watching for around 3 years) but it is worth watching. All characters have a develop and overcome situations. There's no such thing as an original personality so I won't be saying that. All the personalities are nowadays the same... Give it a try, it's only 12 episodes long T__T c'mon you can watch that in a day.
Story: 9/10 A typical Harem stuffed with cats, either love it or hate it (I loved it !) Character: 10/10 One of the strong points of this anime is the characters, each character has there own personality and background and soon you get a strong connection with them Art: 9/10 The art was not completetly orignial, but it was extreamly beautiful and colourful to look at Sound: 9/10OP / ED songs were awesome, it really sets the tone for anime Enjoyment: 10/10 Enjoyed every episode, i would 12 episodes is just right Overall 10/10 Overall this a very bubbly, happy sort of anime with alot of humour with a solid storyline to keep you interested, Its a type to watch after a dark and depressing anime, it really lifts your spirits with its special charm
It is a story about a man, his cats, a harem of typical anime girls and a curse. Okay, I will try a little harder. The story is revolves around Junpei Kousaka, an average highschooler living with his mother, sister and a pet cat (we learn his father is away working but little else is said). On the walk home from school one day he accidently knocks the head of a statue of a cat deity and is cursed to turn into a cat unless he fulfils the wishes of 100 cats. The story order and events are pretty standard. However, not everything about thiswas as typical as you would usually expect from a harem anime. For example, some the character development was actually the best parts of this anime, such as that of Junpei and Kanako (an old childhood friend of his) which develops for a minor relationship to a fully fledge relationship that really create some of the best scenes in the anime. It was also comical to a point it actually had me laughing out loud unlike most 'comedy' anime which can stifle a smile or a giggle at the best of times. The anime obviously doesn't possess the gripping serious scenes which you would expect from Evangelion or the cripplingly sad scenes of an anime like Angel beat but what this anime does brilliantly is enjoyment. It is a fun anime to watch when you just want to settle and be calm after a long day and is not meant to be taken too seriously. However, I must say the anime on a whole strays of the main storyline of the curse and him completing it and goes into full harem/romance/comedy genre at points and that sometimes it really just become a bit too generic to a point it cannot be ignored but these are really the only major criticisms I have for the anime. The sub for this anime saw some experienced voice actors comes in such as Yukari Fukui from animes such as Kill la Kill and Highschool of the Dead and Yū Kobayashi from Attack on Titan and Buso Renkin but from a listening point of view nothing much more than the ordinary which goes for the dub, however I must say the role of Nagi Ichinose played by Kara Greenberg was brilliantly done and added to the comical sense of the anime. In conclusion if you are looking for a fun and comical anime that you can just lose yourself in and don’t have to take too seriosuly, then look no further than Nyan Koi!
DISCLAIMER: this review is intended to be read after you finished the show, so you can see some idiot who dropped the show after 7 episodes ramble about the tropes he does not like. I feel as if these types of romantic comedies are exactly the same. We've seen all the same tropes countless times. I usually enjoy these tropes, but in this show, they're completely boring, and almost painful to watch. Please excuse me I am not a native English speaker. Story The story is rather average, a lot of things are very predictable. I laugh at the show occasionally, it is funny but like I saidit's nothing we haven't seen before. I think the tasks that Junpei has to do for the cats are fairly funny, and creative, but his relationship with Kaede is what really put me off about the show. Personally I am not a fan of the ' Happy Girl', I find them to be too common in these shows, and I don't find them funny at all. They are boring. But in this show Junpei and Kaede are too similar to be in a relationship, they're more like brother and sister and it is boring beyond belief and that really put me off. The only reason I continued watching is because of Kanako. I find her relationship with Junpei to be fun and unpredictable at times, but I don't feel as if she got enough screen time. I got bored of seeing too much of Kaede, so I don't know much about the second half of the show. To summarise, the story is fairly funny, but the relationship with Junpei and Kaede is boring, and painful to watch. Art The art was good. I think that the art style is a bit outdated, but that isn't the reason I dropped the show. I liked the colour choices they used, it's very bright and vibrant, not to mention I highly approve of those curves. (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎ . It isn't as viabrant as many other series, but it's a good 8/10. The CG sections were.... present, but I like the use of blue and yellow, and I love the designs of the cats. That is why the art is an 8/10 Sound I don't pay attention to the sound, but seeing that I did find the music quit relaxing, I give it a 7/10. Again I don't pay attention to sound so this review will be short. Sub>Dub. Character Poo. I already mentioned that I don't like Kaede, the boring rom-com trope that I hope will die, but now I'll talk about Junpei. I find him to be selfish, and a small, skinny, tic-tac dick. He only cares about his relationship with whats-her-name Kate or whatever. He doesn't care about anyone else as far as I'm concerned, and he gets onto these awkward situations without him knowing. It makes me cringe. His allergy to cats does make for some funny moments, but it only takes up about 20% of what I have watched. He's one of them male MC cliches that I like until it gets serious. Did I mention I don't like Kaede? At least she's not as bad as Asahina from Suzumiya. The only character I liked was Kanako. I find those characters fairly funny and more interesting than the boring girl that the male MC always likes. I don't like anyone except for Kanako and maybe some of the supporting characters. Enjoyment I find the show quite enjoyable, but when I finished an episode, my first instinct was not to watch the next episode. I never cared what happened, I just wanted to see the relationship between Junpei and Kanako grow, and the relationship between Junpei and Kaesong shatter into a million pieces, get flushed down the toilet, and go into the state drink supply, only to be urinated out, and be drunk again, until it evaporates into the sky, and fall out into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. But the cats where very funny, and provided a great alternative to the relationship between Junpei and his second sister Kaedick. They only enjoyable parts where Kanako, Ichinose, and the cats. Everything else was fairly boring. Overall The show was alright. I dropped after seeing too much of the unbearably boring 'Happy girl' but that's not what I came to see. I came to see his relationship with Kanako, and maybe the cats, but instead I got another These-Characters-Are-Too-Similar-It's-Unsettling relationships. I think there is potential for humour in these relationships, but it depends on the male MC, and whether he likes the cliche boring girl or not. I guess I didn't like the show because the show was bad, I didn't like it because I cannot stand the male MC always liking the boring girl. At least in other series it seems like by the end the MC leans towards the other, more interesting girl, but from what I've seen in this series, he ends up with ms Annoyingtrope. Then again, I couldn't finish the show because I can't stand these relationships. So mock me if you will. This concludes my review of Nyan Koi by Fujiwara Sato.
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